LMP: 10 April 2014 ( 36 weeks of Pregnancy )
Calculation of Due date: LMP minus 3 months =Jan 10
Date will be the next year of Jan 10 i.e Jan 10, 2015
ADD 7 days = Jan 17, 2015 ( DUE DATE )
Weight of the baby is 2399gm.
Ultra sound detected as 34 weeks pregnancy today.
Margin of days : +/-21 days
Due date calculated : 7 Feb 2015
Heart rate: 146 beats/min
Placenta: Posterior Fundic
Liquid volume: 10 cm Adequate.
Intra-uterine single live fetus in Cephalic presentation.
On the above data, here is a presentation of Two Due dates given. One predicted by N. rule and other from the Ultrasound fetus measurements. According to the doctor, she will take LMP as a preference if it is available. The others are taken into account once LMP not known.
It's a baby boy of few weeks remaining to be born. Whatever the due date estimated, the exact date will be he who choose .
At this time, he is sensitive to light and sound already.
B.P of mother recorded as 130/90 and The doctor told it is a bit higher for pregnant mother. How can she control her B.P?
Please do advice.
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